Friday, September 30, 2005

digression on morals

Don't confuse my shyness
for morals
my lines blur
as I see fit
because it's only me
who lives my life
and only me
who knows what's right
(for me)

Don't try to sell
your outdated rules
meant to control
the unaware masses
my eyes are wide open
awake with life
no sheep will lead
or blind me now

Don't get my wrong
I have my rules
but nothing is set
because life always moves
I won't limit
my experience
just for the sake
of limitation

So live your life
as you must
while I live mine
as I will
with no regrets
and no blame
and live will
have been worth living
(for us all)

-Jackie L Meyer, c. 2005

Thursday, September 29, 2005


70 degrees
and my heart soars!
filled with energy
normally stolen
by the neverending
Texas summer.

I laugh
my truest reaction
finally feeling
it's almost like being

I know the heat returns
too soon
but eternally grateful
for today.

I could stop time
I'd stop it
right now.

this feeling
until I'm full

then start


- Jackie L Meyer, c. 2005

Rant on interpersonal conflict

I've been thinking a lot about conflict, online and off. Conflict is unavoidable, because no one agrees with everyone all the time. However, there are ways to minimize the emotional effects of conflict.

For example, recently I have had discussions with more than one person there who I really disagree with. That's to be expected when more liberal ideas mix with more conservative ideas. However, that would be oversimplifying the situation. Which brings me to my first contribution to conflict: assumptions.

When we hear a label, we tend to go immediately to what we believe that label represents. For instance, when I hear conservative, I think of social conservatives. They're the people who think I'm this horrible sinner, and that my wife and I are less human than they are, and doing something wrong by just following our hearts. Naturally, this leads to a less than positive reaction to the word. But that reaction is based on something completely unrelated to the person at hand. For one, there are very few true conservatives, where they are conservative about everything. This one person, for instance, is more of a fiscal conservative, and a security type conservative (military stuff), rather than a social conservative. We disagree with the way the country is run, but tend to agree on human rights at least, which is key for me. The lesson here is to not assume a label means what you think it means. Don't jump to conclusions.

Now it's also important to go beyond just labels, but to how everything a person says affects you. For instance, if you were offended by something, take a step back. Did the person mean to offend you? It's usually obvious if they did. However, most of the time people aren't trying to offend you. It's just like the labels issue, the conflict is really coming from inside you, rather than the other person. Much pain can be avoided when you realize where the conflict actually comes from.

Next thing to consider, when conflict comes up, perhaps a heated discussion about something near and dear to your heart, it isn't the end of the world, or the relationship. As children, we write off friends and pick up new ones at the drop of a hat. But we're adults. We can't run away from our conflicts, even if we want to. Many times we have conflicts with people we need to work with on a daily basis, and we can't just stop speaking to them. Here are some things to keep in mind.

First off, when a debate gets heated, it is very rarely personal. Yet, we tend to take it personally. People have a problem with other people's beliefs, not necessarily them. For instance, this guy and I tended to clash a lot in college. However, over the years we were able to debate and still talk to each other later without any repercussions. We even had a discussion about gay marriage. He knew what he was saying personally affected me. And I called him on it, because especially with social issues it's important to remember that you're talking about people, not some vague theoretical concept. We were able to calmly discuss our views, as adults. I understood his point that he sees marriage defined in one way, though he doesn't have a problem with giving the equal legal equivalent. And I can agree with that, because I think we all need to compromise a bit. The point is, we didn't take things personally. I could have gotten upset, mistakenly believing he doesn't want my wife and I to have our life together. But that isn't really the case. By not getting upset we actually found an understanding between each other, and could remain the pseudo-friends we were.

Second, even if it is personal, it's not the end of the world. A person can only hurt you if you let them. If you can remain calm, they won't get as upset as if you return the emotions. We've all seen how quickly emotions can amplify, turning a small debate into a ball of flames! This is where meditation and breathing techniques come in. If we're mindful of our emotions, we can bring our focus to calm breathing, thus calming our mind and emotions. This keeps the debate in control.

The key, no matter what happens, is to find a way to release these emotions after the debate. Holding onto anger just brings forth more anger. And who really wants to go through life angry when they don't have to be? If you see this person on a regular basis, you can't hold onto that anger. It just causes more conflicts where there need not be any. Also, it makes you a rather unpleasant person to be around.

I say all of these things as a gentle reminder. We all have our bad days. But holding onto those negative emotions just makes things worse. I hope this brings a little perspective to your life. Even more, I hope this was just a reminder, and not something new :-)

Saturday, September 24, 2005


No rain, no clouds, nothing? Nothing at all, but a bit of breeze? Stupid hurricanes can't do anything right and bring rain to the places that need it. Instead they drop rain on places that really don't need it. Sigh...I feel like I'm going to just bake here. You'll see me some day...I'll be like the gingerbread man, just baked to death in the sun. :-D

When does it get below 80 during the day here again? This really does depress me. I didn't know seasonal depression could be in the summer, but it can happen. I always thought winter depression was the lack of sun, which makes sense. But here it's always sunny, except the heat just drains me of energy, which contributes to depression. How will I survive the next few years? I need to figure this out...

Thursday, September 22, 2005


Hmm...looks like Rita decided she liked eastern texas more. If she stays course I guess we'll just end up with rain and wind. I'm still hoping for a lot of rain. If we don't get any I will be very very disappointed. Happy that things shouldn't get crazy, but no rain would be sad. However, we're still prepared should things get crazy.

Besides, it did get us moving. Nothing like the fear of a giant hurricane to break the melonchaly of depression. hahaha

Wednesday, September 21, 2005

hurricane rita

This hurricane is huge! And still has days to gather strength! Damn. I'm a bit scared thinking about the possibilities. But, I need to not do that. It doesn't do any good to worry. We are prepared, relatively speaking. We have water for 3 days, plus other beverages to break the monotoney. We have tons of food. We have charcoal for the grill and propane for the cookstove. We have rechargable batteries and the ability to charge them in the car, which is full of gas. I just hope our apartment is strong enough to withstand the winds and such.

so anyway, we're going to wait this out. There isn't anywhere to go anyway, and I believe we'll be fine. I mean, carrie would know if we were really in danger. So this will just be an experience for us.

I'll be shutting down my computer once the storms head in. As soon as we have power back I'll update. Hopefully that will be by sunday already. :-)

So everyone, think positive thoughts. Visualize everone safe, and the hurricane weakening. Don't let fear overpower you. I'm going to go work on that now. Best of luck to everyone.

Monday, September 19, 2005

To the women I love

I think the heart
is much bigger than
I was taught.

How else can it split
into so many pieces
and still feel whole?

Maybe it's not all mine
but replaced with pieces
traded with love.

Here's a big piece from carrie
a rock to which I anchor eternally
another from Ash
the very essence of water
yet another from Hols
so inexplicable, but so there
and a piece from Ellen
like the desert we both love

I feel them all
as my heart fills my chest
I don't understand it

Maybe we aren't meant
to walk through life alone
or even with just one

Maybe we can all share
like we share our hearts
and walk through life


-Jackie L Meyer, 2005

Wednesday, September 14, 2005


Ash has been asked to play at the post election day rally here in austin. She might be coming to visit!!!! We haven't seen each other in 5 years I think. She's my bestest friend in the whole world (wives don't count haha) Nothing has put me in as great of a mood as this news has. I'm praying they can pay for her plane ticket. We'll have so much fun. Food, scrabble, and butchering butchies songs!!! But this time as a drummer, soo much more fun. :-) It would be November 1, which is just 2 weeks before my birthday. It would be the greatest birthday present to date. And 2 weeks after carrie gets back from Indiana. Perfect timing. Yay yay yay!!! :-)

Monday, September 05, 2005

How to Release Thoughts

When I first started on the Jedi path, one of my main concerns was how to meditate and clear my head. That's one of the things you always hear about with meditation. "Just sit there and clear your head." Well, I'm sure everyone has learned how difficult that can be. If we could just sit and clear our head, we wouldn't need much meditative practice, now would we?

It wasn't until 3 years into my path that I finally received the insight required to gain control of my mind. The Buddhists at my university offer classes where they bring up the local master from Houston and they address the basics of Buddhism, including meditation. I only went to one class, but it gave me all the insight I needed at that point in my life. I'll do my best to pass that insight onto you so you may benefit as I did.

If you're anything like me, sitting in meditation involved a slew of random thoughts, and one song that was stuck in there from who knows when! I would sit and try to let them go, tell them to leave, all sorts of things, but it never worked. Apparently I was going about it all wrong! By focusing on the thoughts, I kept them with me, no matter what I did. I put energy towards them, and anything we put energy towards we keep to us. So while I wanted to release them, what I was experiencing was these extraneous thoughts distracting me. I kept focusing on this distraction which kept the experience of distraction with me. However, what I wish to experience is focus, so that is what I need to put energy towards. The monk described it in this manner.

Say you're holding a coffee cup in your hand. There's nothing inherently wrong with holding a coffee cup, but you would rather hold the beautiful rock on the table. Now pretend that you don't know how to put down something. I know it can be a bit of a stretch, but just pretend. After all, this is only an analogy.

Since you don't know how to put down the cup, you try all sorts of things, but no matter what the cup stays in your hand. This is what I had tried for years, and many others I'm sure. But what if we did something else.

We already know how to pick things up, as evident by the cup in our hand. So instead of focusing on what we don't want, the cup, let's focus on what we do want, the rock. Focusing on the rock, we reach down and pick it up. Now you're holding a rock in your hand. In order to do that, you had to release the cup in some way. It doesn't even matter how, just that you did. This is how we release our thoughts.

When we meditate, there is something to focus on, usually breathing or counting. When we notice an extraneous thought, don't focus on the thought. Instead, return our focus to the counting or breathing. Keep focusing, and before you know it the thought will have left your focus without you actively removing it! For me this was a breakthrough, because though I had many many random thoughts, I could return my focus to breathing and find that quiet center again. Yes, you will probably have to do this all the time when you meditate, but in time you will see results in how long you go without extra thoughts.

This idea can be applied elsewhere in your life also. Do you have a song in your head that you absolutely hate? Find a song that you love and sing that in your head until it overwhelms the original song. Is there something bothering you? Think of something else. Focus on something that is more useful to you. The applications to your life are limitless and can help you gain control over the ever wandering mind.

Best of luck in your practice.

Friday, September 02, 2005

New Orleans Mayor

I'm sure many people have already posted this or heard it, but I want to post it also in case someone surfs here and hasn't heard it. The Mayor of New Orleans called into a radio show and vented about the lack of support he's getting from the national government and what really needs to be done about the current situation. He also complained about how this could have been avoided had his concerns about the levees and other security measures been addressed before. This is something I also vented about the other day because I'm sick of it. I watch the National Geographic channel where they show us how other countries solved their problems with tsunamis and floods at great expense, but so they actually work! They actually care about saving lives and commerce. Clearly we don't, because we continue to half ass everything, even dealing with the situation once it's occured. This is bullshit, and I'm sick of it. Can we do something right, for once?! Maybe now, when people's lives are on the line? Oh yeah, here are the links.

Mayor of New Orleans

Also, a post by someone who went to try to help the refugees, you really start to understand how little anyone knows. Where is the leadership?!
Volunteering at the Houston Astrodome