Wednesday, February 16, 2005

Spirituality course: week 4

I alluded to this concept last week, but this week we'll discuss it explicitly.

We are all one.

What does this mean? In discussions about the force we learn of the living force, the energy that comes from living things. But this feels a bit abstract, as just knowledge rather than experience. For me, this concept became closer to a true belief after reading the New Jedi Order book Traitor. If you haven't read it, it's ok, because the idea is put forth in many places. In my recent spiritual journeys I came to a deeper understanding, which I'd like to put before you. I'll say it with a few different concepts.

1. We are connected not only to living things, but non-living things as well.
2. There are no non-living things.
3. Therefore we are connected to all things.

Now I know, some people are going to say, ok, maybe I can buy your first statement, but what you do mean, there are no non-living things? I can see tons of examples of non-living things within just five feet of me. So I'll explain, or at least try to. :-)

How do we define living things? I know there is a technical dictionary definition, but what fun is that? Let's try to define things in terms of the force. I understand not everyone has physically experienced the force, for instance by sensing things around them. So if you haven't, just pretend for now. Or go out and experiment. For instance, stand a few feet away from a tree and take a few steps toward it with your eyes closed. Obviously you don't want to walk too far so you run into the tree, but see if you can feel the tree's presence. Hopefully you will feel the tree before you physically touch it.

How is this experience possible? The tree has it's own energy that we sense by it's interaction with our energy. I think most people will agree that living things have energy, that they are part of the force. So what's to stop us from sensing an 'inanimate' object in the same way? Nothing. You can do this same thing with a rock. Would you normally consider a rock to be alive? Yet a rock is felt in the force, vibrating at it's own unique frequency. This is why certain rocks are considered to have healing properties. All inanimate objects vibrate at a frequency, though sometimes they vibrate as such a slow frequency it is difficult to see how they are moving and changing.

If you were to zoom in, so close as to see actual atoms and molecules however, what would you see? An insane amount of motion and activity, with particles moving all over the place! So if you could ask a rock, are you sitting still, the rock would say absolutely not! Look at me, I'm a flurry of activity! We just can't see the activity. In fact, it is impossible for anything to be immobile, for that would mean it had no energy, and thus did not exist. Therefore, everything that exists has energy. Energy is the Force, and the Force is life. Therefore everything is alive. You might still think I'm a bit off my rocker, but that's ok. I only ask that you consider the concept.

After that long explanation, we'll return to the concept at hand, and the grand implication of it. We are all one, with everything that exists. Now, choose your definition, and feel this statement. God/the Force/Life exists, I am one with all that exists, therefore I am one with God/the Force/Life. I am God/the Force/Life. If you were raised in a culture of Christianity, as many of us have, you may feel completely comfortable with using the Force is the above sentence, yet wholly uncomfortable using God. Why is this? Take some time to think about it for yourself, and post your insights following this post. Please be honest, for there is never anything to be ashamed of, and everything can be learned from.

For your homework, explore the possibilities this lecture holds. How could these ideas change your behaviors and those of the world around you? Knowing this idea, that we are all one with everything, is it possible to be truly alone? Feel free to discuss anything that comes to your head, including that you completely disagree with this. Often times greater understanding comes from disagreeing with something than agreeing for it involves more thought. Good luck!


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