Friday, February 04, 2005

Truth in disagreement

And remember; even a point of view with which you disagree can bring you closer to your inner truth.
I have said that every book is sacred and every messenger holy, and it is in this context that that is meant. For all of Life has been created to return you to your innermost truth, and it will do that if you will but allow it to.
Life will open you to what is true inside of you. Therefore, belss Life, and everything in it. Do not condemn that with which you disagree, nor judge it unworthy. Call it not unseemly, useless, or unholy. For I say again, everything is holy that leads you to your innermost truth, and everything does lead you there...
...I have said here that on some very near "tomorrow" the human race will willingly and eagerly embrace an expanded idea and an enlarged concept of God and of Life. That is true. This will happen. And it will have an enormous effect on religion as you now know it.
- Tomorrow's God, Neale Donald Walsch p 232-233

This is something I forget often. I tend to read things I already agree with, because I don't enjoy being annoyed and angry. But I can learn just as much, if not more, by reading things I don't expect to agree with. It allows me to formulate where I stand on an issue. It's also good practice for keeping my emotions in check.


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