Saturday, January 22, 2005

a writing from unknown

I found this as I was sorting through old papers. I don't remember exactly where I read it, but it was back in 97 or 98 during my freshman year of college. I just think it's beautiful.

If I could smell her hair just once, kiss her lips just once, feel the touch of her hand just once, feel her breath upon me once and her body next to mine, I could spend an eternity being alone knowing that I had that one special time shared with her. - Unknown

Embrace the moments around you, you never know when they will be gone. When I was in boot camp, there were many nights it was hard to fall asleep. Even in my exhaustion I felt the loneliness that comes from living with 60 strangers and having no contact with loved ones. The thought I most often returned to was one special night with my now wife, then girlfriend. The simple act of lying in her arms was burned into my memory. At night I would close my eyes and remember as hard as I could how she felt, until I could almost feel her lying there with me, and I could fall asleep. We weren't together when I left for boot camp, and honestly had barely talked to each other since February when I broke up with her. Yet she was smart enough to get in touch with my mother through email and to write to me. Though nothing was really said, her first letter came at the perfect time, which was at the rifle range. I remember that time as the most difficult because we as a platoon were doing good and very bad things, which made life very emotional. And it was the official half way mark through bootcamp. I'll never forget the day I got her first letter, because it was such a suprise. I found a relatively quiet corner in the back of the squad bay and tried not to cry as I read the random comic strips she sent. I believe that first letter is what brought us to where we are today. If she hadn't found the courage to find a way to contact me, we may have never spoken again. Instead we began the long road to friendship and ultimately to marriage. Wow, all those memories from a single piece of paper with a simple little statement by an unknown author.


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