Sunday, January 30, 2005

Yet another strange dream

Two nights ago, I had yet another strange dream. This dream was made stranger by the fact that my wife dreamt a very similar dream, with a different location but similar issue.

The dream begins randomly, with me being at a house with my cousin and her new husband, apparently about to begin their honeymoon, or just moving in...I don't know, it was random and wierd since they've been married a year now. There were wierd jokes or inuendos about them having sex the first time, and I have no idea why that was in the dream. I leave at one point, and decide to go back in for some reason. When I'm inside a large group of people begin to surround the house. It's quickly evident they are here for me, religious zealots out to kill the queer. I move throughout the house, confused for one because it's out of the blue, and because my cousin is there and she is clearly straight. I have to stay low because they have weapons, but aren't trying too hard to get in. At one point two people are trying to break in the door, but are also shooting pistols also. I actually make the decision to stay inside rather than slamming the door open in their face and fighting to the death. I knew that while I could take out one or two, the numbers would overwhelm me. I also decided not to shoot back at them, but rather moved to a back bedroom. There is a woman there, clearly one of the zealots, but not quite so bad. I ask her, what is it she wants? She mentions things involving values and morals or something, I don't remember exactly, but I tell her that's the same things I want. We begin to find some common ground. I remember not being scared. However there were people beginning to realize where I was in the house, so time was running short. I knew I had to convince her to convince the others to leave me be. It basically ended there, which may or may not be good. I wasn't really scared though, just a bit confused. I knew I made a difference with that one woman, so that gave me hope.

I don't really know where this dream came from. I think the time with the woman comes from something I read in Tomorrow's God (by Neale Donald Walsch) about zealots. Zealots are people who feel they are not being heard. Their beliefs are discounted, and therefore they are discounted, so they react zealously. The best way to deal with them is to just listen to them, talk to them, make them feel like they are worth listening to. And that's how I dealt with that woman in the dream. I'm really starting to think my dreams are where I act out my new beliefs and behaviors. Sometimes my dreams show me a behavior that isn't what I want to have, and then I'm allowed to correct my behavior through these situations before it is real life. Did that make sense? Basically my dreams are practice for real life. When I behave in a way that shows growth in my dream I take it as a sign that I have grown in my beliefs and behaviors. It's rare my dreams are truly scary, and when they are I don't remember them anyway, so I tend to really enjoy my dreams. Unfortunately I tend to oversleep then because I want to see how the dream plays out, which can take quite a few hits of the snooze alarm.

My wife dreamt similarly, that religious zealots were attacking her, but she was in a warehouse. That's all I know. I just wonder who started it, or if we were both tapping into something. Hopefully we never find out though...


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