Thursday, January 27, 2005

More Dreams

I keep having dreams, which is normal I guess, but the fact that I remember large amounts of them is not. What's funny is my dreams have been very action-oriented.

Two nights ago was my first action packed dream. As always the beginning is fuzzy, but I know I was part of a group of people on a mission or quest. The first part I really remember is knowing we had to jump down from a building, and I was hanging off a window ledge with a small creature holding on to my leg. I had to make the decision to jump, but I knew somehow that I wouldn't be hurt, that physics would not behave the way I expect. It felt very strange to let go of the ledge, because I felt myself accellerate in slow motion. Then I was right, and we didn't ever hit anything, I just was in a different section all of a sudden. Then we are all running very fast in a building. It's like an office building or something similar. We're looking for something in the building, though I'm not sure what it was. As we're running we cross tape, like the tape they put at finish lines, except it was red. That was really wierd, and it set off some sort of alarm and people started to chase us. We ran around a corner, and there in front of us stands "the bad guy"! I'm in front, and stand as tall as my little 5'2" self can stand, and open my arms, holding the others back, trying to protect them and draw his attention to me. He's speaking, but I don't remember what about, and I'm just thinking that we only need to get to the end of the hall to get what we came for. It was wicked! Unfortunately that's where the dream ends. But I was the hero!

Definately a fun dream, and revolutionary in two ways. I was willing to trust my gut and let go of a window ledge, and I was the leader and tried to protect others. I know this is just a dream, but I do have some conscious control, so my willingness to do this is a sign that I'm making the appropriate changes to my life.

Last night's dream was also action packed, but funny to me. It's an OC dream, which means I am just a bit too obsessed! Anyway, the part that I remember involves myself, Marissa, and Ryan (characters from the show) We climb up a ladder which originally was going to put us on a roof, but instead we end up inside a barn. As I'm climbing the ladder I feel like there is tension between the three of us, but it's not discussed. After a little time up there, a guy that was supposed to be a character from the first season, but who doesn't look like that guy at all, starts to pick a fight. He appears to be drunk, and he's very large and intimidating. But then it gets fun! What appears at first to be Ryan attacking him (defending by attacking) ends up being me. I take a flying leap and kick him in the chest, but he's huge so this doesn't do as much as I'd like. I knew that going in though, so it wasn't a suprise. This guy catches me, and picks me up like he's going to body slam me, but we're also falling so I'm thrown against the wall. Unfortunately the wall is thin so I feel the wood start to give way. I yell for help, because falling out of the second story of a barn doesn't sound too fun. Ryan comes to my rescue and finishes off the ass kicking I assume. Afterwards we are lying around after all the excitement. Then the strangest comment of the dream; "you're tattoo looked awesome when you were fighting" What the fuck?! I think that just means I was kickass fighting, because that's the feeling I got after the comment, but it's still wierd. Where did my mind come up with that one?

One thing that may have influenced my dreams (though it's doubtful) is that I took a tincture called deep sleep. It has valerian and chamomile and some other things. Unfortunately I took more than I needed so I really overslept. However the sleep I got was amazing! We'll see if it matters tonight, since I only took a third of the dose last night. I also have the other influences of my period and the full moon, plus the new awareness I'm gaining spiritually. Maybe I'll get to keep having fun dreams like this! I really enjoy the adventure!


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