Friday, February 04, 2005

The New Spirituality

In the days of the New Spirituality:

your presently established religions will stop fighting with each other.

your presently established religions will stop imagining themselves to have all the answers.

many of your presently established religions will stop declaring that something can exist outside of God.

the idea that politics and spirituality do not mix will be abandoned forever.

the idea of using politics to define yourselves as you have defined God will be widely accepted.

humanity will begin at last to hold more basic beliefs in common, creating a more uniform standard for all political expression around the world.

the nature of God and of God's characteristics will be understood much more fully.

society's members will be clear about what is in their common interest, and will know how to arrive at that determination without bickering, quarreling, or fighting, and forevermore without violent conflict.

the message of freedom will inspire the experience of freedom itself.

the unity of all things will be experiential.

all economic, commerce, and business considerations will become part of a Whole Systems Approach to the creation of a way of life and the construction of a society that works for everyone.

the purpose of business and commerce will be changed.

wealth will be defined not as possessions and power, but as access and happiness.

the economy will be transparent.

the economy will be localized.

there will be no disproportionate holding of wealth and resources, and abject poverty will no longer be allowed to exist.

it will be recognized that every human being has a right to the basics of Life and the ability to survive.

it will be recognized that natural resources belong to all.

adults will have the tools to give back to children the gift of their own imagination.

coercion and punishment will not be part of the educational process.

the focus on education will be on creation.

the priority of education will no longer be the dissemination of facts, but the increasing of sensitivity and awareness and understanding and compassion and acceptance and celebration of and appreciation for the awe and wonder of Life.

the function of education will be to draw a Circle of Relevance around the raw data and systems that suport Life.

education will be about creating, not a school, but a learning environment.

human relationships will be completely re-created in both prupose and process.

human relationships will no longer be seen as a means of need fulfillment.

all relationships will be seen as holy.

all people will understand that nothing has any meaning save the meaning they give it.

all people will understand the prupose of relationship and the Process of Life, as well as their role in it, and they will bless the process and call it holy, they will engage the process and call it adventure, they will experience the process and call it joy - and they will complete the process and call it Nirvana...then to happily begin the process all over again at the time of their choosing in the never-ending cycle of bliss that is Creation Itself.

it will be clear that all relationships begin and end and are created with and within the human soul.

love and freedom will be understood to be the same thing.

humans will understand that always have total freedom in relationships , that no one can ever take that away from them because it is Who They Are, and that every attempt to blame someone else for curtailing one's freedom is simply an act of forgetfulness.

relationships will not include blame and judgment or victim-villain scenarios, but will be understood to be co-creative experiences in which all parties take responsibility for their choices and decisions.

human sexuality will be experienced as the joyous celebrations of life and the glorious expression of Godliness that it was always meant to be, it will be expressed without embarrassment or shame or guilt and without restrictions or limitations of any kind, except those that are voluntarily self-imposed.

- Tomorrow's God, Neale Donald Walsch

If these ideas intrigue you, read the book. Personally, I think this would be a great world when we incorporate this new spirituality.


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