Wednesday, February 16, 2005

Spirituality course: week 3

Now that we’ve discussed beliefs and how they affect our behaviors, it’s about time we take a look at some definitions. As Jedi, we (usually) believe in the Force. If you’ve spent any time at all in the online Jedi realm, you’ve probably noticed a few discussions over what is the Force in the real world rather than movies. Rather than rehash all of those discussions, we’ll make our own definition with respect to spirituality.

Throughout my journey I’ve called the Force life, the universe, god, energy, qi (chi), and I’m sure others have their own words. Yet these are just words. In the end, we’re all describing the same thing. How do I know? Well, for one I’ve felt energy during my meditation and qigong practice. I’ve learned about quantum physics that tells us that everything at its core is simply energy, and that energy is related to matter by a factor of the speed of light squared. And I trust those who have reached an enlightened state who knew at the core of their being that we are all one. So what this means is that the word we use to describe the “bigger thing” does not matter, it still is there whether or not we name it, whether or not we consciously use it; it always is and always will be. One way to describe this more concretely follows:

In a word…
In a word, God is Love.
and freedom.
In a word, God is freedom.
and joy.
In a word, God is joy.
and peace.
In a word, God is peace.
and unity.
In a word, God is unity.

These are the grandest aspects of God and Life, and when people are being anything other than these things, they have forgotten Who They Are in their grandest version.
- Tomorrow's God, Neale Donald Walsch

Now remember, you can substitute any word for God that you like, be it Life, be it the Force, it doesn’t matter because the truth of it still holds.

Homework: For next week, describe how it is you feel the divine around you. Do you meditate, go to a worship service, or commune with nature? Then I’d like you to try to do the activity of your choice for a few moments every day. It can be as little as 5 minutes or as long as you’d like. Write up a summary of anything interesting you experienced as a result of this practice.


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