Tuesday, January 04, 2005


I like being naked.
But not in front of strangers.
Clothes can feel so restrictive. I'm not saying physically, but energetically. Right now I'm sitting in front of the window which has been open for days thanks to the Texas heat wave, and the breeze feels wonderful! The problem is, in order to have it open I have the blinds only open a foot or so and I sit with my chair shielding me from the outside. I can't wait till we have a house somewhere where I can be naked and have the windows open and it not matter! But this is a huge improvement over living with other people where I can only be naked in my room!

I was raised in a family that didn't make nakedness a big deal. There really weren't rules about shutting the bathroom door, or wearing a lot of clothes around the house. This may not seem strange to some people, unless you know my family! My family doesn't talk, about much of anything important at least. So I never had the sex talk with my parents, or the drugs/alcohol talk...not that I needed it. I got that at school and karate and from my own brain. But it's interesting that we had this freedom in nakedness but we never talked about it. It just amuses me. I think my family is a good example of how kids learn values without having been told them though. Would more communication have been a good thing? Probably, but it may have made things worse also. When there were things I wanted to talk about, I found a way to bring them up, and vice versa. At least things weren't pushed. No awkward and demeaning moral talks, which I'm thankful for. And at least with the no talking there weren't opportunities to say things that hurt people's feelings. Well, except for my brother who excels at talking and being offensive. :-) In the end I think we turned out pretty good, with the freedom to be who we are, in spite of our flaws and mistakes.

In other words, naked=freedom=good :-)


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