Tuesday, November 15, 2005

Happy Birthday to me!

I was totally suprised to come home today to my birthday package that UPS said was still in Louisville! I got the Advance Wars DS game I asked for, and my mom found the perfect shirt. It's got a wisconsin license plate that says gr8 st8 on it, with a map behind it, though that's subtle. So fuck all that texas pride shit, Wisconsin's where it's at! hahahaha They can make me change my license, but I'll never ever claim this state as home.

Also, she included a super cute picture of my nephew in his bee costume. His birthday is Oct 30th, so it makes sense to get pictures in his costume. Here's the picture

Click on it to see it larger obviously :-)

So even though Carrie is passed out on the couch, it's been a good day. I got a few cards, and last night Ash's mom sang happy birthday to me on the phone :-D Plus, talking to Ash is always awesome! So hooray!!!

I better figure out what to eat. Later!


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