Wednesday, August 03, 2005

I'm a gay boy magnet!

Haha, today has been the day of the gay boys. First, I was sitting on the bus talking to carrie when I mentioned DEBS, because, as you can tell, I'm obsessed for now. He perked right up and said "I love that movie!" haha, it was so cute! Then I mentioned the Erasure song and he started singing it. :-) So after I hung up with carrie I started talking to him again. We chatted the whole way home, so about a half hour. He's a theater guy, auditioning for a play here. He's learning shakespeare on his own. apparently he's learned more about acting on his own than he ever did in college. His boyfriend's name is Bach, which is his real name. Oh yeah, and his name was Mark. I gave him my email because we had so much fun talking.

Then tonight, out of the blue came an im from my favorite person from my freshman year of college, David Obrien. He is the sweetest boy on the planet. I hadn't talked to him since I was moving to california for the Marines. haha, so quite a lot to catch up on! He's working as a massage therapist on cruise ships which is quite interesting. Lots of pretty places to see, it'd be pretty cool to do. Anyway, it was great to hear from him again, because he's such a great guy. Definately the most sane of all my old friends there lol!

The funniest thing of all is that I'd been thinking I needed more gay friends lately, and today I discover two! Hahaha, life is awesome sometimes!


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