Sunday, December 26, 2004

SS102: Dialogue: The Path Least Traveled

SS102: Dialogue: The Path Least Traveled

Guilty as charged! I'm so terrible about being lazy. Take this winter break for instance. This is the first winter break in 3 years where I did not have to work during it. I've been resting, relaxing, spending time with my wife, fun stuff. But I have not worked out or meditated. It took me 2 weeks to catch up my errands so I would clean at home. Now i'm close to finishing my cleaning, but still have a lot to do. I fell into a slump where I just didn't want to do anything, and I'm finally sick of it and getting things done. My next step is to get up in the morning...preferably before 9 am! If I can find the discipline to do this, I can do anything! Then I can find time to play my drums. Really, I need to clean that room and then I'll feel like playing I'm sure. It's just so cluttered in there...

It's funny, I've always had this problem. If I don't have forced structure, I do nothing. I broke my toe this fall in karate. I haven't practiced once. Literally, I've done nothing. I'm getting more out of shape when I need to be strengthening. I let myself get lazy. And this semester when I return to will hurt! Another instance, I said I was going to study this break so the semester wasn't so hard, but I haven't. I've avoided anything scientific altogether actually. But I believe this will prevent burnout. The point is, I'm very bad with self discipline. Will I ever change?


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