Sunday, December 26, 2004

Mental Illness

How much of mental illness is permanent, and how much is fixable? From what I read, these are causes of mental illness.

1. Energy imbalance. If you really screw up your energy it will mess with your mind. This of course will lead to moments of insanity, issues with depression, and probably many other problems with the mind.

2. Fighting truth. In reading Conversations with God by Neale Donald Walsch the idea is brought up that sleep is the time when our soul leaves our body to experience freedom. When we are children we sleep a lot because the soul can only tolerate a short amount of time cooped up in our body before it needs to leave. While it loves the new experience of being in a body, it still takes time to adjust. Then as children we need a little less sleep and have boundless energy. At this time we just live and learn. Then as we're older and more conscious, like in our teen years, we are fighting many conflicting ideas. For one we have all of those ideas we learned from society, but we also have what our body and soul tells us, which often conflicts the rules society has put forth. So we need to sleep more again. The conflict between truth that our soul knows and what society says is truth just wears the soul out. Finally in old age, when we've given up a lot of rules and just live again, we tend to need less sleep. But back to mental seems to make sense that if you are more awake than normal, that you can sense the conflict between society and soul, that could mess with the mind, the place where soul and consciousness meet. Therefore it would make sense that if a person with mental illness were able to throw away all society has taught them and just live their truth they would not have the illness anymore.

Now, if my ideas are correct, is there a true mental illness that cannot be cured if the person is willing? I understand if a person doesn't want to, but I really believe most mental issues can be 'fixed' with soul searching and energy work. Drugs are not needed and are definately not good for most people. We need to do something new. I think this will be the way to go.


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