Sunday, December 18, 2005


Just a note, we're leaving for wisconsin tomorrow morning. Things are a bit hectic, and tight on money, but it'll be ok. I used priceline to book our hotel so we have a room at the holiday inn in Kansas City for only $35! Too bad the one day we're there is the day they're doing maintenance on the whirlpool, figures lol

Here's our general itinerary:

19 dec - leave
21 dec - arrive at River Falls in the evening
22 dec - leave for my parents that evening sometime (it's only 4 hours anyway)
23-31 dec - in New London at my parents
31 dec - drive to Evansville (about 8 hours)
31 dec - 4 jan in Evansville, with a side trip to indianapolis hopefully
4 jan - 6 jan drive back to Austin, definately taking 2 days so we aren't too sore and insane!

I know not many people read this, but if someone that I know from back home or the area reads this and wants to see us, email or call. We'll see what we can do. :-)

Tuesday, December 13, 2005


sigh...everyone is so angry, and passionate...and loud. I just want some peace. Violence does not create peace. That misguided idea is what has kept our world very far from peace. Being against war does not make you against the soldiers fighting the war. Maybe some of us just want there to be some other options. Diplomacy, is that so hard to try? Apparently it is. just give us something else. Our government doesn't even pretend to try something else. What's that quote? "the definition of insanity is repeating the same action while expecting different results" We're insane.

"Be the change you wish to see in the world" should be the golden rule. Why is it so hard to live by?

Monday, December 12, 2005

Ouch, my head is shrinking!

Studying for finals makes my head shrink. Or maybe it's swelling, which makes it feel squished lol, in any case, I definately need to take some time to relax and let my head feel the right size.

I've gotten quite a bit of studying done, though I still have much to do. Thankfully, I still have 2 full days to study. Then wednesday from 2-5, it's all over, and I can do all the stuff I haven't done for a week. Like grading, research, cleaning, video games...I can't wait to play some civilization 3! lol, it's driving me nuts, because I really want to play, but can't allow myself to. I've calmed that desire a bit by playing advance wars on my ds for short breaks. But I want civilization! lol I think I want to be the romans this time. I watched something on history channel about roman advances, it's amazing! So hopefully that bodes well for the game too :-)

So yeah, I should go get ready for bed. Sleep is necessary for studying too, contrary to what many college students thing. Silly kids!

Saturday, December 10, 2005

Where did jazz go?

I'm not talking about this crap they play on radio stations that sounds like elevator music, with more electronics than electronica. I'm talking big bands, combos, no electricity (besides mics and bass/guitar amps), and standards. Where did it go? I loved, seriously loved playing big band. My summers spent at Birch Creek were the most amazing times of my life, still. But where do kids go once they leve high school and camp? Where can they play? I really want to know where jazz is hiding, because I want it back.

I've been listening to jazz all week since I've been studying for finals. I don't have a good collection, unfortunately, but what I have is damn good. My playlist includes some of the greatest big bands like Count Basie, who swung so damn hard you kept moving during the ballads, Stan Kenton, who's song Malaguena is described by my friend as "a fist made out of brass instruments punching you right in the face. only in a good way!". And then a healthy mix of Dizzy Gillespie, Miles Davis (before he went wacko in the 80's), Charlie Parker, and John Coltrane (including some of the way out there stuff). There are so many songs in this playlist that I've played, either on bass or drums. And even the songs I don't know at all, I just love them. I don't know what it is about jazz that I enjoy so much more than other genres, but there's no replacing it. I mean, how do you compare any rock song to jazz?! You can't, it's just a different thing. And don't get me wrong, I like my other genres, but they don't reach inside me like this does as a general rule.

I guess I'm just lamenting the inability for me to hear good jazz live. You get soooo spoiled at birch creek, the pros are so amazing. And as a student you learn so much it's sick. Living jazz from 8 am to 10pm some nights you can't help but learn a lot. And not just about jazz, but life. Oh the things I learned about people lol

So if anyone knows where jazz is hiding, let me know, because I miss it terribly. I'm even starting to think that when I'm finally settled someplace I'll start to put out word that I want to form a community big band. We may suck, but we'll have fun while sucking! :-D

Wednesday, December 07, 2005

Helping in the freezing rain

Tonight winter has hit Texas. The rain started a bit before 5pm, so that by the time we left CiCi's there was already a good bit of ice on the car. I heard that between 5 and 9 pm there were 150 wrecks in the area. (remember to slow down for ice) However, we decided that blockbuster isn't very far away, so we decided to scrape off the car and give it a try, with the agreement that if the roads were slick we'd turn around. But, neither of us had a bad feeling, so we went for it.

It took quite a few minutes and half the plastic ice scraper to clean off the windows. (note to self, buy a metal scraper) One guy thought we were crazy to go out in the ice. "I just got in a big pile up" he says. I just answer "I'm from Wisconsin, I'm used to this stuff." I don't think he believed me, but I knew how to feel out the roads and wasn't worried. I did, however, thank him for his warning.

The roads were perfect the entire way to blockbuster. Unfortunately, they didn't have the movie Carrie wanted (the Skeleton Key will never be in, I've decided) When we leave the building I hear a familiar voice ask us for some change. I've give this man money on many an occasion, any time I have some on me. He's always grateful and polite, and he now remembers me. Tonight I gave him $5, because quite frankly, he needs it much more tonight.

I learned many things tonight. The Salvation Army does not hand out coats to the homeless until there have been three freezing nights. Three huh? Maybe they're trying to weed out the homeless population, because I can't think of a single good reason for that restriction. The stores in the strip mall pay him under the table to do odd jobs. For instance, night stocking, dusting, whatever they can have him do. It gets him out of the cold at nights, and gives him a little money. And there's the woman at Tiger Mart who has bought him socks, and a skull cap, just some little things to help him out. He also gets free hot chocolate. Tonight, some guy, with a wallet full of money gave him a beer. He declined, and the guy insisted, apparently not believing that the man didn't want beer but food and shelter. The young man gave him 2 beers and left. Bizarre...suprising how assumptions can be so persistent.

The man's name, I learned, is William Austin. He's a gulf war vet, and is homeless because he quit his job. In this economy, that appears to be a bad decision. But it was his decision, he understands that. William is a good guy. I don't doubt that he'll remember our names, as he remembers our faces. And I will certainly remember his.

And, to top all of this experience off, Carrie asked if she could give him her hoodie that she was wearing. All he had was one hoodie and a tshirt himself. How could I say no to her or him? He was beyond impressed, it's not often people give you the clothes off their back. I hope it helps him stay a little warmer tonight. And tomorrow, we will drive back and try to find him to give him an actual winter jacket. We have at least one carhart that should fit him and keep him much warmer. There's no reason why someone should have to wait three days in the freezing cold and rain before they are given appropriate clothing.

We learned one other thing from William tonight. He said he assumed we were bisexual or something (we sort of muttered because we're not bi, but we are gay, and that was his point) and he said we're black. He shared a conversation with his girlfriend April who said she wondered what it was like to be discriminated against. He said, "you should know, you're bisexual. You're black! If you've been discriminated against, you're black". There are many in the black community that would disagree, but I do agree with him. It's different and the same all at once. But it was still suprising to hear. But that's just another way we're the same, according to him. I think it's a way for him to connect to more people.

As we drove away, he waved to us from inside Albertson's where he was going to get some food and stock shelves. We waved back, because he's our friend now too.