Saturday, November 05, 2005

Pow wow

Tonight I went to the Austin Powwow for only a little while. I wanted to go earlier, but got caught up doing chores. There were a ton of art vendors, but I really didn't have the money to spend on anything. I should have just got straight into the burger center so I could see more dances though. I caught 4 competitive dances, which were interesting. Everyone has different costumes, and their own individual take on the same dance. I really enjoyed the fancy shawl dance, which is uptempo and has a lot of spinning :-)

But even more than the dancers I like the drummers. They control the energy, which is fascinating to me. As I sat there I just let myself be, which meant interesting energy fluctuations on my part. At one point I was literally becoming teary eyed, though not from sadness or anything, just a flood of feeling. I wish I knew why I reacted that way, because it happens at really odd times. In general I felt like this place was just really positive, and it felt really good. So outside of driving, life has been really nice today.

I forgot to mention before, during the entire time I was picking up trash I was just enjoying it. I didn't get frustrated or mad at anyone for throwing things out. I went in there wanting to come from a loving place so I was really giving back to the earth and water. It's been a good day, even if I'm already tired and couldn't get enough of a nap in earlier. :-)


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