Friday, April 29, 2005


It's a wonderful feeling to finally pull up your bank info and see your paycheck in there after 2 days of waiting. We just got back from the grocery trip to end all grocery trips! We spent $150 at two stores, and only need around $40 more to finish off what we'll need for at least 3 weeks worth of planned and good meals. It's awesome! I'm so proud of Carrie for doing this. She made the list, then the menu for the next three weeks, and we'll only have to replenish milk and some produce like fruit. Otherwise we should be totally set up. Plus I'll have lunches to bring to school so I don't have to eat taco hell anymore! Yay!

One reason this is so exciting is that we are seriously budgeting for the second month in a row, and this will help a ton. Also, the meals are a lot healthier than convenience food or restaurants, which is key. We can control portions and fat/calories also. Granted, this is only possible thanks to my wonderful wife who can actually cook! If I were living on my own it would be a lot of spagetti, cereal, mac and cheese, and peas! lol

Tomorrow we'll finish up the shopping with a trip to another grocery store to get the stuff on sale there, which is only $10 worth of stuff or so, and then a quick trip to Sam's club. Then I honestly can't think of anything else we could possibly need! As long as I remain responsible, we'll make it through this month without going into the negative in the bank account again. That's the plan for now. However I'm still going to hit up the temp agency once I finish finals so I can make a little extra cash. We need to break even this month or the summer will not be pleasant.

Anyway, I'm quite tired now, so I should head to bed. Tomorrow will be another day of shopping, cleaning, and then jamming! Woohoo!


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