Sunday, January 16, 2005

Astrology - Pluto in Capricorn

When reading The Only Astrology Book You'll Ever Need I found this short section fascinating. It explains the influence the planet Pluto has when it's in the constellation Capricorn, which occurs from 2009 to 2024. Here is the excerpt:

Because Capricorn is the sign of discipline and ambition, Pluto's influence here should stress responsibility and the ethic of work. Capricorn is the sign of government and long-term security, and Pluto may have the effect of bringing a new world order into being. Individual nations may join in a system of world government that leads to greater stability. Starwatchers are focused on the year 2012, which the Mayan calander marks as the "end of the world." Many spiritual movements believe this is a metaphor for a change in "consciousness" when the human race will adopt a more spiritual value system. Astrologically,Pluto in Capricorn holds out the hope there will be an end to war.

What does this mean to me? If I take the information in The New Revelations seriously, than humanity is about to make a leap in spirituality or be destroyed by their own devices. It seems to line up well with what this excerpt describes. There are so many things that line up with 2012 it will be interesting to live through, far more so than the year 2000. It would be interesting to know about this in more detail, all of the astrological affects, but I really can't make time for it right now. However it appears I have until 2012 or so! :-) If anyone knows more about this, I'd be really interested in hearing about it.


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