Wednesday, December 29, 2004


Since moving to Austin I've dealt well with the homeless population. Everyone I've talked to is considerate and never pushy when you say you can't spare anything. But I just returned from Thundercloud Subs where a woman walked up to our car as we were leaving and would not leave us alone. This really annoyed me because we are flat broke. I had to take change out of are change jar to have enough money to buy our subs, which was only $6 because we had a coupon. So to have someone ask us, who are totally broke, and then not respect us when we say we are broke just pisses me off. I know I shouldn't be upset about it, she's trying to survive and the $1.75 means more to her than me, but why be so pushy? The reason Austin at large tolerates the homeless population like it does is because they aren't pushy and are usually considerate. When people act like she did, that's when you end up with mad people who try to pass ordinances targeted at the homeless.

In the end, I'll let this go after some time. I don't like feeling like I was taken advantage of, and that's how I feel. It's not the money, it's respect. I respect you, I help you when I can, please respect when I can't help. That's all I ask.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I read what you said about adding links to your blog. You can do this with Blogger code. If you don't have a sidebar already set up in your template (read through the code and look for the word "sidebar"), insert this:

(div id="sideBar")

but with the "()" replaced with "<>" to make it html.

Then, within the predefined sidebar area or the one you just created, place links in this format

(li)(a href="URL")Link Text(/a)(/li)

again, with the "()" replaced with "<>" to make it html.

I hope that helps!! :-)

11:24 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I read what you said about adding links to your blog. You can do this with Blogger code. If you don't have a sidebar already set up in your template (read through the code and look for the word "sidebar"), insert this:

(div id="sideBar")

but with the "()" replaced with "<>" to make it html.

Then, within the predefined sidebar area or the one you just created, place links in this format

(li)(a href="URL")Link Text(/a)(/li)

again, with the "()" replaced with "<>" to make it html.

I hope that helps!! :-)

11:28 PM  

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