Wednesday, April 27, 2005

My dad's update

Well, Dean went to the New London hospital Monday morning for more tests. He got there at 7 a.m. and they couldn't find his orders. Turns out when they made the appointment for him, they forgot to tell him the tests were scheduled at Appleton Medical Center Hospital! So, the tests were rescheduled for Tuesday. He spent all morning Tuesday at the hospital undergoing some more nuclear medicine tests called a GI Bleed. That testing didn't show anything abnormal either. This is certainly puzzling. It's good that they are not finding anything bad. It's just a frustrating process trying to get to the root of the problem.

There is another type of test they want to do which would involve Dean swallowing a tiny camera. Not sure when that will be scheduled yet.

His hemoglobin is slowly coming up to close to normal levels. Two weeks ago it was at 12.9, then last week it dropped to 12.6 and this week it's all the way up to 13.1 So that is a very good sign even though he is still having bleeding issues.

Just a quick update to let everyone know what's been happening.

Hope all is well with everyone!



Blogger Jaxson said...

Thanks so much for that information! My mom printed off your message so my dad could check it out when he got home. Maybe that will help the doctors! It's amazing that it's so hard to find where someone is loosing blood. At least now he's relatively stable. When he went to the hospital his count was around 4.6!

Thank you again, and I hope your father remains well. :-)

9:11 AM  

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