Thursday, April 14, 2005

fucking sexist kids

I really hate some people sometimes...

Quote: I know a really sexy drummer chick. I hate butchy drum chicks tho. I also hate annoying nub drummers that think they are the shit and cant even keep a straight 4 count beat. Endquote.

Since when are women who play drums meant for your visual enjoyment? People play an instrument because they like it, and they can express themself, not so you can get off watching. The world doesn't revolve around your 17 year old white boy ass! Do you judge male drummers on their looks? How a person looks has no affect at all on how well they play. A good drummer is a good drummer, period.

What's more sad to me is all the girls that play to this bullshit. You do not have to play this game! If that's the only way to get a guy, they're worthless! Just be good, people will respect that in the end. If you lose a few shallow pricks along the way, who cares! I can't even count how many times I see this crap happen. A guy shows up in a girl drummers forum or something similar and says ______ are hot!
And I'm like, really? Fuck you. Your perverted little version of _____ is what you think is hot, not reality. Now get the fuck out of my space! But there will always be girls that are 'oooh, I think _______ guys are hott' (and of course they mispell it) or thanks! blah blah blah. These people don't know you! They have no idea if you're really hot, and you have no idea if they're not some creep. It's just stupid! Why play these games, they're all complete lies! I hate lies! Tell the truth for once. How about having a discussion that doesn't involve someone chiming in "I think girl drummers are hot" whatever dude! Grow up and lets talk about something actually important.

It's just sad.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I agree with you! I drum a lot, and while I enjoy some of the attention I get, the fact is it's about the music, not the guy who thinks it's hot.

10:23 PM  

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