Thursday, October 06, 2005

Woohoo for cold air!

Oh my god, it's seriously 58 degrees. 58! I'm sooooo happy. I can stop smiling, and my heart just wants to explode! Why do I keep living in the hottest places on earth?! Why?! I love the cold! But woohoo!!!! A little reprieve from the heat :-D

It helps balance out the loneliness at being home alone. Carrie left for Indiana tuesday. It's only thursday...which sucks. I kinda feel like the kid who's left home alone for the first time. You're kinda excited, but quickly realize it's a bit boring to have no one to talk to. So while it's nice that I don't have to feel guilty for being at school, or being on the computer, it's not so nice being all by myself, with just the cats. They don't really talk...just yell at me for not playing with them :-)

So carrie comes home tuesday, which will rock, but that's also the day my brother gets out of jail. Three months can fly by...unless you're the person stuck dealing with the whole prison situation. But it's good that it's finally over, and we can start the three years of probation. That will be a bit harder. Neither of us does well with authority, and he has a lot of rules to follow for a while. I hope he doesn't screw it up. But, there really isn't much I can do about that. I'll just try to listen to him rant and keep him in the right direction for him.

And now, my hyper self is going to see if MDSplus installed properly so I can do some research and be a contributing lab member. :-)


Blogger Jaxson said...

Yeah, but it's different like you know. I don't remember hating the desert like I hate texas. The mojave was insane when it hit triple digits, but otherwise it wasn't that bad really. But here? I soooo couldn't wearing my uniform in this heat. Well, I guess I'd have to, but I wouldn't be happy!

12:05 AM  

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